
fä : burst

rootspinyin, English
癹弓pö trample, göng² bow
lìe¹ : rip

This is the only occurrence of 'kúang' in the DDJ.

kúang : madness

rootspinyin, English
犭王qûan dog, wáng king
[húang flourish]
馳騁畋獵 | 令人心發狂
12:07 chí¹ chêng tían lìe | 12:08 lìng rén xïn fä kúang
Too much racing about and hunting fields | Makes men's hearts burst madly
madden LY, W1, FE, AL, PI, CM
may madden DC
makes go mad AW, VM
make mad JL
make mad WO
cause to go mad RH, GR
cause to be mad WC
drive to madness EC
drives crazy LG
make bad PC
make violent C1
make wild RP, DL
make go wild with excitement L1
make wild and crazy DH
only disturb JS
addles AH

MWD and FY has 'tían 田 [field]' for 'tían'. MWD has 'shî¹ 使 [cause]' for 'lìng'. MWD-A missing 'xïn fä kúang'. MWD places lines at 3-4; VM follows.

L2 has same wording as L1, in the MWD placement. RP follows MWD except uses standard placement. AH follows MWD.

地無以寧 | 將恐發
39:12 dì wú yî níng | 39:13 jïang kông¹ fä
Earth without peacefulness | I fear would burst
quake(-d) LY, C1, VM, DC
break and bend JL
falter WO
bent PC
tip over AW
burst into bits W1
sink L1, L2
shake WW
be shaken WC
splitting FE
explode EC
let go RH
erupt AL
crumble RP
crack open LG
be wasted GR
bursts forth DH
erupt DL
open up PI
crumble JS
fly away CM
collapsed AH

MWD-A missing 'yî níng'.

JL and PC (and LY?) translations based partly on rime scheme.
