
yào¹ : glaring


rootspinyin, English
光翟 güang light, dí-zhái pheasant

58:19 güang ér bù yào¹
Bright but not glaring
dazzle JL, PC, LY, W1, L1, WC, EC, RH, VM, AL, GR, DC, DH, JS, AH, PI
blinding WO, FE, RP
shining AW
glittery C1
glare CM
flash or flare WW

FY has 'yao 耀 '. WB has 'yao 燿 '. HSG has 'yao 曜 '. All three have the root '翟 dí-zhái pheasant', with '光 güang [light]' (FY), 火 hûo [fire]' (WB), and 'rì 日 [sun]' (HSG) as variant co-radicals. MWD has 'tìao 眺 [gaze into the distance?]'.

GR , AH, and CM follow FY. RP follows HSG.

WO, FE, and RP also translate 'máng 盲' (12:02) as 'blind'.
AW also translates 'zhäo zhäo 昭昭' (20:21) as 'shine'.
CM also translates 'güang 光' (04:07, 56:07) as 'glare', which makes 58:19 all the more anomalous for him. since it has 'güang' and 'yào¹'.
