
Chapter 25, Lines 1-5

25:01 yôu wù hùn chéng
Something mixed completely
yôu wù
Something, There is/was Something FE, AL, W1, LY, RH, VM, JL, CM, EC, DH, DL, WW, LG, JS, AW, WC
There is/was a thing L1, C1, PI
There is one thing WO
There was some process AH
Imagine a nebulous thing RP
There is a Being PC
Having substance GR
There was a ... of matter DC
hùn chéng
undefined and complete JL
undefined and yet complete in itself W1
undifferentiated and yet complete WC
unformed and complete AL
formless, complete in itself JS
formless yet complete AW
featureless yet complete VM
wondrous and complete PC
confusedly formed L1
confused yet perfect PI
invariably complete WO
mysteriously formed FE
nebulous LY
nebulous existing EC
formed spontaneously AH
Imagine a nebulous thing RP
perfect in its disorder CM
all murky shadow DH
formlessly created DL
mingled and ungraspable as bubbling water, and yet complete WW
contains everything LG
formed out of chaos RH
a "gathering" chaos C1
chaotic formation DC
formed from chaos GR
chaotic formation of matter DC

GD has 'you-alt zhuang hun-alt 又狀混 cheng'; MWD has 'kun 昆' for 'hun'. RH does not comment. AH uses 'hun', on which is commented that the rendition 'chaos' "puts a negative twist on an idea that is basically positive in classical Chinese". RP has standard text.

25:02 xïan tïan dì shëng
Born before All
Born before heaven and earth L1, FE, W1, RH, VM, EC, DH, DL, GR
Which is born before Heaven and Earth CM
Before heaven and earth were born AL
which arose before Heaven and earth PI
Emerging before the heavens and the earth AH
Before Heaven and Earth were, it is already there WO
Before heaven and earth, it was PC
Before heaven and earth it is LG
There before Heaven and Earth JS
here before Heaven and Earth RP
It exists/existed before Heaven and Earth AW, WC, WW
Which existed prior to heaven and earth C1
Before the existence of Heaven and Earth DC
Before the Heaven and Earth existed LY

LY reverses lines 1 and 2. In a note, WW argues against the use of past tense here.

25:03 jì² xï líao¹ xï
Silent oh lonesome oh

These are the only occurrences of 'jì²' and 'líao¹' in the DDJ.

jì², silent
rootspinyin, English
宀叔 mián roof, shü uncle
silent, silence L1, FE, W1, C1, LY, RP, VM, AH, CM, EC, DH, DL, GR
noiseless DC
still WO, JL, LG, PI
calm PC
solitary AL
quiet and still RH
quiet and tranquil WW
tranquil JS
líao¹, lonesome
rootspinyin, English
宀翏 mián roof, liào sound of the wind
void L1, FE
empty, emptiness AH, C1, AH, EC, DH
empty and at rest WW
lonely WO
silent AL
unbodied LG
boundless W1
amorphous VM
formless JL
desolate CM
ethereal DL
elusive RP
spiritual PC
isolated LY
pure and deep RH
indistinct PI
vast JS
sparse GR
shapeless DC

MWD-A has 'xiu [embroidered?] he liao he 繡呵寥呵'; MWD-B has 'xiao [miserable?] he liao he蕭呵寥呵'. RH has a pair for each, though he does not explain why or which in his notes. AH uses 'ji he liao he'. RP has 'su [respectful?] 肅 xi liao xi'

JL also translates 'wú zhùang ' as 'formless'.
