
bài : spoil

rootspinyin, English
貝攵 bèi money, pü struck
fû¹ : assist
lì : help

29:07, 64:13 wéi zhê bài zhï
Those who do spoil it
29:10, 64:16 wú wéi gù wú bài
Does nothing so spoils nothing
民之從事 | 常於幾成 | 而敗之
64:18 mín zhï cóng shì¹ | 64:19 cháng yú jï chéng | 64:20 ér bài zhï
In pursuing the work of the people | Always come close to success | And spoil it
64:22 zé wú bài shì¹
Then your work will not be spoiled

I originally had 'ruin' for 'bài', but I wanted to use that for 'yäng¹ 殃', and think now it is too strong a word for 'bài'. The idea in all the lines is the same: interference messes things up, not utterly destroys them. So I decided to go with 'spoil' for 'bài', a lesser effect. But also there is in the etymology of the word the idea of hurting the value of something, and in the idea of 'defeat', another translation, is the accompanying 'spoils of war'. It is interesting that 'spoil' is used exclusively by the earlier translators.

29:07 and 64:13 are the same lines purposely repeated across chapters. Context could be argued, but there is no legitimate reason to translate them differently. Some translators present only minor variations, but some are ridiculously different. Only L1 and PI replicate the lines in their translations. Only W1, L1, L2, EC, DH, PI, and DL use a single word for all instances of 'bài'. CM holds the record with five words or phrases for 'bài'.

For Chapter 64, most translators swap lines 19 and 2o. This compacts the English to "people fail on the brink of success", but it loses the poetic impact of the original: "People work and work | and juuuust when they are about to win | They spoil it all!". This faithlessness of translation is in no way required by English. WO, PC, GR, JS, and DL retain the original structure.

29:07, 10 64:13(a), 16(b) 64:20(a), 22(b)
beaten CMb
blow it CMa
breaks WW
collapse (-ing) WW
damage WW
defeated FEb, CMa, GRb GR
defeated (will be) VM
defeats his own purpose FEa
destroy(-s) JL, WO, RH
disappointed CMb
fail(-s) EC, AL, DC, DL WC, C1a, EC, VM, RP, DCa, DL PC, LYb, FE, C1, EC, RHb, VM, RP, DC, JS, AHb, DL
failure (leads to) C1
failure (free from) C1b
failure (suffers no) DCb
harm (does) JL
harm(-s) AW, WC, RP AW
mars PC PC
mess things up CM
ruin(-ed, -s, -ing) L1, L2, FE, GR, DH, JS, AH, PI L1, L2, RH, AL, GRa, DH, JSa, AH, PI JL, L1, L2, RHa, AL, DH, AHa, PI
spoil(-ed, -s) LY, W1 WO, LY, W1 WO, AW, LYa, W1
[omits] JSb WC
