
gë : cut

rootspinyin, English
害刂 hài lose, däo knife

28:22 gù dà zhì° bù gë
So great dividing does not cut
cut (-ting) AW, W1, FE, VM, RP, CM, LG, AH, GR
cut up LY, WC
cuts off PI
carve DH
carve up AL
pruning WO
a great principle will never do harm PC
sever L1
employs no violent measures JL
non-discriminating C1
mutilate EC
splitting up RH
destroy Nature DC
undivided DL
divided JS
break up WW

MWD has 'fú 夫' for 'gù'; FY omits; RP and AH follow MWD. MWD has '无 wú' for 'bù'; FY has 'wú 無'; RP and AH follow FY.

58:16 fäng ér bù gë
Is square but not cutting
cutting AW, W1, FE, EC, RH, VM, AL, RP, LG, GR, DC, DH, CM, PI
cuts no one (with its angles) JL
cutting (sharp-cornered) LY
cutting others down to size WO
be square but do not cut anyone AH
sharp PC, C1
scrape L1
pierce WC
scathing DL
to gently guide us back JS
cut with sharp edges WW

MWD-A missing all text.
