
zhì° : dividing

rootspinyin, English
未刂 wèi³ not yet, däo knife

28:22 gù dà zhì° bù gë
So great dividing does not cut
carver (-ing) AW, RH, VM, LG, PI
tailor (-ng) W1, FE, RP, CM, AH
craftsman GR
Preparer of things WW
institution EC
Design WO
principle PC
cutting L1
governing C1, AL
governing blade DH
ruler LY, WC
regulations JL
leader DC
whole DL
Unity JS

MWD has 'fú 夫' for 'gù'; FY omits; RP and AH follow MWD. MWD has '无 wú' for 'bù'; FY has 'wú 無'; RP and AH follow FY.

32:10 shî zhì° yôu míng
Beginning of dividing was Naming
divided, division FE, CM
to divide things up VM
to divide and arrange WW
carved (up) AW, PI
When a governing blade begins carving it up DH
cut L1
diversified W1
discrimination C1
distinction RP
proceeds to action JL
creation WO, DL
Reason creates order PC
human civilization LY
to regulate the world AH
regulations DC
regulations and institutions WC
institution EC
establish a system RH
established control GR
to make order AL
To order, to govern LG

MWD-A missing 'míng'.
