o qì²


qì² : discard

rootspinyin, English
?? tú gông fán
(child being born, clasped hands, winnowing shovel)
fèi : abandon
júe : reject

聖棄智 | 絕仁棄義 | 絕巧棄利 | 絕學無憂
(a) 19:01 júe shèng qì² zhì² | (b) 19:03 júe rén¹ qì² yì² | (c) 19:05 júe qîao qì² lì | (d) 19:13 júe xúe wú yöu¹
Abandon sagacity and discard cleverness | Abandon benevolence and discard righteousness | Abandon erudition and discard helping | Abandon scholarship and be without worry
故無棄人 | 故無棄物
(a) 27:10 gù wú qì² rén | (b) 27:12 gù wú qì² wù
So does not discard men | So does not discard things
人之不善 | 何棄之有
62:07 rén zhï bù shàn | 62:08 hé² qì² zhï yôu
The bad of men | How can what you have be discarded?
19:01, 03, 05 27:10, 12 62:08
abandon W1, VM, CM, DC, DH, PI, DLab W1a, L1, FE, L2a, VM, RPa, GR, DCb, DH, PI, DL JL, L1, L2, FE, RP, DC, DH, DL
abject WO
cast away JL W1, JS, PI
deny CM
discard CM EC, GR
exclude(-d) C1 C1
get rid of C1b, AH AH
give up PCc, C1c
let slip AW
outcast PC
put away PCab
reject (-ed, -s) GR LY, WC, EC, RH, AL, AH LY, WC, RH, VM, AL
relinquish C1a
renounce FE
throw away WO, RH, WW WO, PC, WW
thrown overboard WWa
tossed away WWb
turn his back on AW
useless DCa
wasted W1b
[omits] RP RPb

I originally had three words I had for 'qì²': 'discard', 'reject', and 'shed'. The first seems best for all cases, while 'reject' was moved to 'júe'. I was tempted from their radicals to go with 'scrap' and 'dump' for 'júe' and 'qì²', and I still find those words accurate, if not subtle.

19:01, 02, 05:
RP combines 'jue' and 'qi' into one term, 'get rid of'. WW modifies the first use as 'throw away ... as you would dust from a dustpan', but does not repeat it for the other lines. In the next example, it is 'thrown overboard', and in the last it is 'throw away' 'like tossing out trash with both hands'; so despite claiming novel insight with etymological excavation, WW is wildly inconsistent.

27:10, 12:
LY modifies the first line as 'rejected (useless)', but does not repeat it for the second line. JS substitutes positives 'prospers' and 'fulfilled' for the negatives.

JL, W1, FE, C1, DH, JS omit the question. JS expands this passage with invented repetitions and intrusions.
