
fèi : abandon

rootspinyin, English
广 yân cliff house, fä burst
júe : reject
qì² : discard

大道廢 | 有仁義
18:01 dà dào fèi | 18:02 yôu rén¹ yì²
The great Way is abandoned | And you have benevolence and righteousness
abandoned W1, GR, DH, PI, AH
decline(-d) AW, LY, WC, EC, DC
forgotten FE
cast aside C1
forsaken VM
rejected AL
ceased to be observed JL
falls into disuse L1
obliterated PC
disappears RP
fades away DL
absent JS
perishes WO, CM
degradation LG

GD and MWD start with 'gù 故 [so]'; AH follows. MWD-A adds '案 àn [then]' after a "comma", but AH adds it before a comma.

將欲廢之 | 必固興之
36:05 jïang yù fèi zhï | 36:06 bì² gù¹ xïng zhï
If you want to abandon it | You must surely raise it
abandon DH, AH, PI
(to be) abolished EC, AL, GR
to desert it (a thing) RH, L2
overthrow another JL
be overthrown AW
be thrown down W1
laid aside L1
cast down FE
be torn down CM
to be laid low LY
destroy WO, WC
about to fall PC
to be devastated C1
to reject something VM
topple RP
eliminate DC
discard DL
Ruin pulls at that which rises too high JS
What seeks its ruin LG

MWD has 'qù 去 [avoid, leave]' for 'fèi', 'gû³ 古 [ancient]' for 'gù¹', and '與 yû [give]' for 'xïng'.

RP has 'gù 故' for 'gù¹' and 'yû' for 'xïng'. AH has 'qù' for 'fèi' and 'yû' for 'xïng'.
