
zûo : aid

rootspinyin, English
亻左 rén man, zûo¹ left
fû¹ : assist
lì : help

30:01 yî dào zûo rén zhû zhê
By the Way aid those who rule men
help WO, LY, AL, RP, DH
proposed to help AW
wholeheartedly help WW
assist JL, PC, L1, WC, EC, RH, VM, DC, GR
aid C1
advise FE, DL
minister AH
guide W1
principle CM
serves PI
[omits] JS

Many translators apply "zhe" to the "zuo" those who help instead of the "zhu" those who rule; however, it is omitted from the MWD. Otherwise, all sources agree, including GD.

I have chosen "aid" as it has both political and personal connotations; "help" does not seem political enough, and "assist" too bland; "advise", "minister", "guide" have the right feel but are perhaps too exact.
