
shäng : hurt

rootspinyin, English
亻? rén man, shāng wound [yáng bright]
bài : spoil
bì° : corrupted
dài : danger
hài : harm
mìe : extinguished
shäng : hurt
yäng¹ : ruin

其神不傷人 | 非其神不傷人 | 聖人亦不傷人 | 夫兩不相傷
60:06 qí shén bù shäng rén | 60:07 fëi qí shén bù shäng rén | 60:08 shèng rén yì³ bù shäng rén | 60:09 fú lîang bù xïang shäng
60:03 Oversee the World by the Way
60:04 Its demons do not have power
60:05 Not that demons do not have power
60:06 Their power can not hurt men
60:07 Not that their power can not hurt men
60:08 The Sage too will not hurt men
60:09 Since neither will hurt the other
60:10 So Virtue combines and goes back there
harm WO, PC, AW, LY, W1, L1, WC, FE, EC, L2, RH, VM, AL, RP, DC, DH, DL, JS, CM, GR, AH,
WW [06, 07 with their slings and arrows]
harmful C1 08
hurt JL, AW 06, FE 09
injure PI
injuriously affect JL 09
be protected FE 08
damage C1 06-07, 09

MWD and HSG omit '人' at the end of line 8. MWD adds its customary '也' at the end of some phrases, and FY and HSG add '者' in two places, but otherwise, there is unusual fidelity throughout all versions of this chapter.

74:11 xï¹ yôu bù shäng
Few have not hurt [Their own hands indeed]
hurt W1, L1, FE, C1, EC, L2, RH, RP, DL
injure WO, PC, LY, WC, DC, AH, WW
cut JL, AW, VM, CM
wounding PI
slicing AL
have blood on DH

Because the object of 'shang' is 'hand', some synonyms in English do not sound right. So though most translators use 'harm' in Chapter 60, none do in Chapter 74: It is too weak a word for something done to your hands. 'cut', however, is too specific an injury to fit for Chapter 60 and none use it there. And the translators that use it for 'shang' in Chapter 74 use it elsewhere for other words, as noted below. 'slicing' (AL) is even more exact and incongruous for Chapter 60; 'blood on your hands' (DH) is fully a poetic substitution for this passage. 'hurt' and 'injure', together the most common translation of 'shang' (74) are not used by the same translators for 'shang' (60), except for FE, who hedge their bets with 'harm' and 'be protected' in the same chapter.

JI: 'záo 鑿' ('Cut out doors and windows', 11:09), 'gë ' ('square but not cutting', 58:16)
AW: 'gë 割' (28:22, 58:16), 'zhé² 折' ('A stiff tree is then snapped [cut down]', 76:12), 'hài 害' ('Helps and does not harm [sharpen without cutting]', 81:13)
VM: 'záo', 'gë'
CM: 'záo', 'gë', 'zhé², 'sàn 散' ('Simplicity broken then acts as vessels [cut into implements] ', 28:19)
